Edge of the Earth
HBO / Teton Gravity Research

Is the pursuit worth the risk? A four-part docuseries about adventure sport athletes across the globe. We shot as a DoPs, GSS Operator, and Principal Cinematographers across this HBO series

shooting primary action sequences, scenics, interviews and documenting the story across all four episodes of the series.


Directed By: Steve and Todd Jones

Produced By: Drew Holt

DoP(s): Ben Dann, Michael Ozier, Jeff Wright

Principle Cinematography: Jon Riley, Ben Dann, Leslie Hittmier, Jeff Wright, Jill Garreffi, Austin Hopkins, Austin Siadak, Colette McInerney, Griffin Kerwin

Editors: Justin Fann, Rose Corr, Matt Casperson, Andrew Boucher

GSS Operators: Jon Riley, Dirk Collins, Ben Dann, Nel Boshoff

Post Supervisor / Colorist: Dan Olsen

The Process

Watch: Behind the Scenes

Edge of the Earth